Difference between Industrial Painters and Residential Painters

2 min readAug 13, 2022


Though the terms may be confusing, industrial painting is different from residential painting. Industrial painting companies in Sydney are different from residential painters in that they have a much more specialised skill set. They are typically able to do the job much faster, which is great for the budget of a business because it saves them money. They also have a much more technical skill set. Industrial painting contractors in Sydney understand the materials that their painting will be on, which is why they are more precise and accurate with the job.

The key difference between an industrial painter and a residential painter is that industrial painting contractors from Sydney use different materials and methods to apply paint to a building or structure. Industrial painters utilise a wide range of paints, and they use various methods to apply their paints. They might use a brush and roller, a sprayer or a compressor. They use a wide range of paint colours and the type of paint they use is dependent on the type of building they are painting. They also use different types of tools to apply their paints. Residential painters tend to use just one type of paint and the paint colours they use are based on the type of paint they use. Most residential painters use a brush, roller or a sprayer to apply their paints.

Industrial painting companies in Sydney are different from residential painters because of the types of painting they do, the high volume they do, and the high-tech tools they use. For instance, residential painters use low-pressure spraying equipment that operates at around 100 psi to spray paint. Industrial painters use high-pressure equipment that operates at around 1,500 psi or more.



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